Cleaning Roof Shingles Tampa FL


7401 Patrician Place
Tampa Florida 33619
(813)293 1733
(813)655 8777

In many areas across Florida roof algae (Gloeocapsa Magma) is a growing problem. The algae thrives in warm humid climates like Tampa’s, usually first appearing on the north facing slopes of your roof where the right amount of shade and moisture are common. With the proper atmosphere in Tampa the algae only needs one more element to survive and that’s food.

Black Roof algae feeds on the crushed limestone that is used in the manufacturing of asphalt shingles. When shingles were first produced manufacturers quickly realized they were to light and would not provide adequate protection, so they added crushed limestone to the asphalt to add weight and durability to the shingles.

Gloeocapsa Magma is an airborne algae so it can land on any roof with no rhyme or reason, though it does seem to be more prominent in areas holding a lot of trees. Once the roof algae lands on the roof it will have to be killed and removed properly or it will continue to spread.
It will never get better or just go away on its own. The roof algae begins feeding on the nutrients in the shingles.
When it rains it is spread down the roof causing black streaks. If not taken care of it will take over the entire roof in a few short years turning the whole roof black!

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